Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Andi Pandi

For those of you that do not know, the lovely lady in this picture with me is my little sister Andrea. She is amazing and if you do not know her you are missing out. To be fair, and I am a middle child so I like to keep the peace, I must mention that I also have an older sister that I will post about at a later date.

In only 16 days I am moving to Chicago and will live in the same city as my sister for the first time since I was 18 and she was 16. Anyone who knew me at 18 knows that I have changed and grown so much since that time. Anyone who knew Andrea knows that she also has changed since she was 16. I am thrilled to have the chance to live in the same city and spend time together as "adults". I know that living near Andrea will encourage me, comfort me, and challenge me to chase after the Lord. I have always admired her for her amazing faith in Christ. Andrea is loyal, generous, funny, and very wise. Many times I forget that she is actually younger than me. When I start to get really worried and panicky about our move I remember that with all the change comes the chance to live life alongside one of my best friends. I cannot wait!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey abbey...if i come visit you this year, can we go camping together? ;)