Friday, September 01, 2006

Kidney Stone Incident of '06....resolved!

(the two small, black dots are my kidney stones. i'm so glad they are in this cup and not in me.)

Well after a long, hard battle with two of my toughest, smallest opponents.....I emerge the victor. A little bedraggled. A little battered. But I, Sir Brandon of Chi-town, a bruised reed I did not break, have vanquished my foes. That is, if by vanquish I mean that I finally peed them into a strainer...because that's what I did. I've been told, a staggering amount of times over the past 4 days, that passing kidney stones is much like giving birth. To that I lift my glass to those worthy warriors we call "moms". Holy crap was this an ordeal. If that's what childbirth is like, I'm sure glad my curse is to work the earth. I feel as proud as a champion of battle, I have won. But there is also a tinge of remorse, for the battle is over. Okay who am I kidding, there's no remorse. I'm so happy that those bloody stones are out of my body. Huzzah!

1 comment:

Emily said...

B Mick, I'm so proud. I'm actually kind of jealous though, because you really got those suckers out of you fast! Mine have been stuck inside of me for years it seems! The pain is the worst, isn't it? And morphine is nice... except my experience with it included throwing up 25 different times..they don't give me morphine anymore when I visit the ER...

well sounds like yours was a little better. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that, I can really empathize with you because I know what it's like.. I'm so glad you're ok! I miss you!