Friday, September 01, 2006


I recieved a call this evening, on my cellular telephone, from the urologist's office. It seems that my celebration of victory was a little premature and abhorringly short-lived. Apparently I have a "number" of additional stones in my left kidney as well as two "obstructed" stones between my right kidney and bladder. The worst part is that I'm not even sure of what that all means. But I take solace, in regards to my ineptitude, in the simple fact that the nurse that relayed the information hadn't the slightest grasp at the specifics and universality of her statements either.

Believe me, I asked her to repeat herself a number of times, that I might gain an inkling of the breadth of her words. And though the news was grievous, it was delivered in relative haste. It went something like this:

"Good evening Mr. Mick, your body has, for some unknown reason, decided to initiate a self-destruct mode. Pain, pain, and more pain is unavoidable. Morphine will be necessary, but will only breach the surface of your PAIN. You will want to die. And this could all happen at any moment. We'll see you Tuesday morning and talk about it a little more, have a great holiday weekend"

And that was that. She had no further answers to my pesky questions. She hung up. My life, my sanity are unsure. But she was tired of my questions. I guess we'll find out Tuesday. Have a great holiday weekend.


Travis said...

Give me five bucks and I'll get those stones out. Though it might be more painful than just peeing them out. So.. save your five bucks.

Jake said...

hey look kidney! stones!

matt said...

Mick, how's life? Sounds painful.

I have had 2 bouts with those vicious Kidney stones. Once when I was 13 the day before golf tryouts in early August 1994 (the earliest any doctor had ever heard of such a thing). The second occurred last October after a long day of raking with no water.

Drink cranberry juice and just pray they never come back. They are truly miserable . . . I think Paul's thorn in the flesh could have been kidney stones.