Sunday, January 07, 2007


It's been a while since I've posted on how things are going for me here in Chi-town. Abe told me I needed to start pulling my own weight around this blog. So here's 3 things to help get you up to speed.

1. Start class tomorrow -- eeeeeeeek, I'm nervous! Abe said she would take my picture on the stairs to commemorate my first day of school. I promised her that I would tight-roll my pants and possibly even wear a silk shirt for old-times-sake.

2. New MacBook -- It's pretty sweet. My plan will be (when it's all figured out) to record all of my lectures. This might also be the beginning of podcasting, maybe even video podcasting for yours truly.

3. New Music -- I've been hanging on to some iTunes gift cards since my going away party from Valley Church. So tonight I dropped 70 bones worth and got the following, in no particular order:

Damien Rice - 9
Over the Rhine - Drunkard's Prayer
Counting Crows - Recovering the Satellites
Seu Jorge - The Life Aquatic Studio Sessions
David Bazan - Fewer Moving Parts
Death Cab for Cutie - Plans
Pedro the Lion - The Only Reason I Feel Secure (***Contains their version of Be Thou My Vision--My favorite band of all time playing one of my favorite songs of all time!!)


D said...

Did you get the white or black Macbook?

brandon said...


heatherlee said...

Happy New Year to both of you!

B- Good luck with school, hope you enjoy it!

I'm looking into getting a Macbook- How have you liked yours? Anything I should be aware of before purchasing?

D said...

I love my white Macbook!