Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Could This Be True?

I was just reading the Readers Digest and I read a statistic that made me laugh.
"88% of female dog owners say their pet has at least one quality they would like to see in their significant other."
I would have to think really hard about a trait that Lucy has that I would want to see in Brandon. The only one I can think of is if he could wag his butt furiously every time I entered a room...yeah....that would be great.


Stephanie said...

ha ha!

Brandon Barker said...

Or maybe grow a super thick beard like Lucy has. Brandon's beard pales in comparison to hers.

Jennifer VM said...

The mental picture of Brandon wiggling his butt whenever he sees you sends me into giggles.

It's been a slow day. :)

brandon said...

Quit picturing my butt!