Monday, July 03, 2006

Lost.....and then found!

This has been an interesting couple of days for me. Brandon is gone and I am packing up our life in Des Moines one box at a time. It has been emotional for me to start seeing visual reminders that our time here is coming to an end very quickly. I also lost something very important that caused me quite a bit of stress.

This last Sunday I realized that I had no idea where my moleskin journal was. I did not panic at first, but looked all through my house, car, Brandon's car, and any bag I had used in the recent past. No luck. At that point I started to panic. I actually just received my moleskin this last Christmas as a gift from Brandon, he encouraged me to start journaling. My argument for not keeping a journal was that I find them to be very intimate and always worried about someone reading my thoughts. Well, against my better judgment I began to journal in January and loved it. I found it so refreshing to write my thought and feelings without having to censor them. I also discovered I tend to write when I am feeling a strong emotion. As a result of that my journal entries are definitely not anything that I would want anyone to ever read. As I started to think about some of the entries that I had written I became very paranoid about where my journal was. I will cut to the chase and let you know I found it under my bed, underneath a suitcase 48 LONG hours later. How it got there I will never know. Why I didn't see it there the first five times I looked I also will never know. I do know that I am very relieved to have my little journal back in my possession. Now I have to decide if I will keep on writing, We shall see.



Travis said...

Keep writing! Just change the name on the inside cover. That way if anyone else ever reads it they won't think that it's yours. Maybe that isn't the best idea though...

Anonymous said...

Never stop writing!!! I stopped for a couple of years except for a few intermittant entries, and I regret it! It has now been a struggle to get back into the routine. If someone, by chance, ever does read something you've written, then they were meant to have read it.
Thanks for telling me about your blog. I'm excited to have this opportunity to continue on your journey with you.
Heather L.