Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Yee Haw!

After tomorrow I am officially on Spring Break!!! Wheaton has, what are called, "quad" classes. They are only 1/2 of a semester and only worth 2 credits. However, the professor seemed to cram 4 credits worth of work into 2 credits and half of the time. It was a very interesting class, but I'm glad it's over. I turned my research paper in on Tuesday, got my reading done for class tomorrow, so tonight I start Spring Break a little early. In good ol' fashion spring break style, I plan on going hog wild. But by "hog wild", I mean reading something other than text books. And by "something other than text books", I of course mean, Bill Bryson. I started his travel log on Australia, entitled "In a Sunburned Country," some time ago and have been dying to pick it up again.

Though I will unwind here for a couple of days, I will spend the majority of my Spring Break working ahead. Man, grad school is a lot of work. Abe's spring break, unfortunately, doesn't coincide with mine. So the plan is to leave her behind, head to my folks' house, pick up my little dog, and head for my grandmother's farm. I'm going to spend a few days in silence. The city has been smothering me and it's time for a break. I have a lot of school work to do, so the solitude should prove to help with productivity as well. I don't think grad school spring break is quite the same as how it was in undergrad.


Ryan Tow said...

in a sunburned country is a great book. strange as it will sound, Bryson's books are one of the few that I actually enjoy more as audiobooks, because he reads them himself, and he is VERY funny to hear read. BTW - "A Short History of Nearly Everything" is pretty good, too - not a travel journal, but still has the Bryson spark.

lynette said...

brandon, i'm in the same place. i can't wait for spring break so i'll have time to write my three research papers for the semester. so it goes i suppose, the life of a student.