Monday, November 20, 2006

Pumpkin Pie Attempt #1

This is a picture of my first attempt making pumpkin pie. Brandon and I were grocery shopping yesterday and I walked past a display of all the necessary items for a complete Thanksgiving dinner. As I walked by I had a craving for pumpkin pie and did not want to wait until Thursday. I decided to make one myself. Who knew that you had to bake pumpkin pie for an hour, and then let it cool for two?! So much for immediate gratification. The end result was a very sub-par pie. It was burned around the edge and mushy in the middle. I now know after discussing this with a friend that there are ways to prevent this.

In other news, I have one more day of work before we leave town. I am very excited for family time, good food, and to see my little dog Lucy!

1 comment:

brandon said...

I liked the pie. It was good. I like you more, though. Happy Day, you have a comment. You will, no doubt, be excited...then disappointed that it's from me.