Thursday, November 30, 2006

On the Other Side

Tonight, as I was thinking, I realized how different my life is from last year at this time and in so many ways. I know that seems like a "duh" statement, but I am talking "different" in more ways than geography. I am no longer working with individuals who are financially poor. My department at work decided to sponsor a child from Chinatown this Christmas. We bought items to give this girl as presents. I was so happy to participate in this. Picking out items to give to Jenny was so much fun. In my last job the families that I worked with were sponsored every Christmas and I had the joy of delivering the gifts to the families. From my experience, sponsor programs are meaningful and bring so much joy to the individuals. While I do not want to demean sponsor programs in any way, I was convicted in my own heart that this isn't enough.

I was thinking back to last year and the fact that my interactions with needy (needy in the physical sense) didn't come only once a year. At points my daily interaction with my clients drove me to feeling calloused and numb. I know that response was wrong, but I also know that giving one child Christmas, a child whom I will never even see or meet also feels inadequate. I am not working in the human service field right at the moment, and reaching out to needy people will take more work...but I don't think that means I am off the hook in any way. This is just a thought that has been floating around in my mind. I am hopeful that it will lead me to loving the less fortunate around me on a consistent basis.

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