Sunday, January 06, 2008

We Are Home!

(My sister, Allison, and her daughter as an angel in the reading of the Christmas story)
(My nephews as a shepherd and a donkey...the one with slippers tied to his head is the donkey)
(Brandon and I with our Christmas sweaters)
(the Bride and me)
(Brandon, Karona, and Ben)
(the ladies)
(Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morrow)(The picture of Brandon's dad with a coffee cup is perhaps the most extraordinary moment of our vacation... his first cup of coffee in 3 years. He rang in the new year with a cup of joe. Welcome back to the fold!)
After 17 days we are back in Chicago. We were both on Holiday break so we left Chicago for the entire time. We spent the first week with my family celebrating Christmas. We had three Christmas celebrations, saw lots of family, ate tons of food, and laughed! We then headed to Minneapolis for a few days. We stayed with Brandon's brother and his family. It was fun to connect with them and catch up. We were there for the wedding of my dear friend Sarah. Sarah and Peter got married! It was a beautiful wedding! We had an awesome time catching up with college friends.
We then traveled to be with Brandon's Grandpa and family. We spent the week in Guttenberg. It was so relaxing. We slept, read, and talked. We are both very grateful for a few weeks to slow down and enjoy the people we love.
Here are some pics of our time.


Anonymous said...

We love being famous on your blog.

Anonymous said...

Haley doesn't look like the destructive terror that she is....

Anonymous said...

So fun to have you guys part of our wedding. Abbey -- you look absolutely stunning in the picture you posted of the bridesmaids!


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