Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Today was a good day.

It seems that days like today are few and far between for me in this city. It's not that the days are necessarily bad, they are just...boring. So what made today good? What made it less boring than most others?

1. Good Coffee - I got a new brew from Trader Joe's. It hit the spot this morning, and shook loose the cobwebs of another night of showers and toilets.

2. Good God - I've struggled spiritually since moving to Chicago. I can't hide it. I've struggled. I've been very focused on me, and without full-time work or school to date; I've had a lot of time to do so. I decided not to today. I got the guitar and Bible out and spent some time this morning focused on Him. It was good.

3. Good Lunch - We're kind of sick of the food here at Moody. But the food tasted better today, since I got to eat with my beautiful bride and chat in her lovely office (yeah, I am a little bit jealous that she has an office).

4. Good Friend - I got to have a brief conversation with a good friend. The update sounded good. I'm happy for him and awaiting more news.

5. Good Cider and UEFA - I watched Manchester United beat up on København while enjoying a hot cider on this cold, wet October day. Perfect.

6. Good Job - I work tonight. I am a janitor/doorman at an apartment building on the "Gold Coast" of Chicago. It's humbling, servile labor. But I thank God for the job. The lessons He's taught through it are priceless. The little money that I earn helps.

I hope you all had notable days.




Anonymous said...

Good to hear about the day...way to be honest too, Brandon. I like when God surprises us with the simple things in life... coffee, tea, guitars, conversations...really, they are simple and it is good you notice them. Thanks for sharing. Tell Abbey I like her brown locks....

Travis said...

Sounds like a fine day. Especially the UEFA part.

Anonymous said...

slow days and boring days occur in full-time ministry as well

i've spent the last 2 weeks wondering what in the world god has next in Boone, IA . . . I spend 8 hours a day at my office just making up stuff that I think pastors are supposed to do, constantly wondering what value lies behind my job at times