Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Another Year Older!

We had a great holiday weekend. Brandon's mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, and nephew all came to visit us. Brandon's parents brought Lucy with them so we got to have her visit us for the first time since we moved. It was a busy weekend full of sight seeing and eating. It was really fun to take our nephew to the zoo and watch him with all the animals, he is so big now and such a doll.
Monday we celebrated Brandon's 28 birthday, he is old! Brandon hates birthdays, but I know it meant a lot to him that his family was here to share it with him.
Brandon got back tonight from a trip to Iowa, he had a great time catching up with friends. I leave on Friday to go to Minneapolis for a work conference.
I will try to post some pictures of what we have been up to. I still haven't put any up of our new apartment but will try to soon.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Uncle Bre! Weren't you impressed that the boys knew your name on your message? They weren't watching t.v. and we even practiced!

Noah Braymen said...

Happy b-day Brandon!

heatherlee said...

Sorry it's late, but:
Now at least you've caught up with the rest of us. :) Glad you had a good time with your family. Heard your time in DM was good too.