Monday, February 18, 2008

The New Face of the Micks

Abe and I both underwent some change today. I got new spectacles...boring. Abe got a haircut...not so boring. She'd been growing it out for roughly a year and a half (save a trim or two) but had been growing tired lately of what I affectionately had deemed "yeti head." So she decided to chop it off. However, it wasn't an easy decision. After doing some quick math, she figured that if she decided to grow it out, it wouldn't be that length again until she is almost thirty. Man, we're getting old. While this distresses me a bit, it bodes well because this woman keeps getting more b-e-a-utiful.


heatherlee said...

Love the haircut, Abbey! It's adorable!

Anonymous said...

Josh thinks you look like nana which is a compliment because you and nana are beautiful....

Anonymous said...

Josh thinks you look like nana which is a compliment because you and nana are beautiful....

Anonymous said...

30... you guys are kids :)

Anonymous said... the specs! Ab...Your hair is SO cute! It makes me want to cut mine. Do I dare be a follower??? Oh..Wesley likes it too he let out a little yell when I pulled up the picture.