Sunday, March 04, 2007

Weekly Occurance?

Two weeks ago on a Sunday I posted a blog about a mouse eating from our candy jar. That same night I had to kill a cockroach that I found in our bathtub. Brandon was at work so he had to talk me through the killing over the phone. I didn't like it, but I did it and was successful. Well, it is Sunday again and what do you think I was treated to? Yes, a cockroach followed by a mouse.

I was cleaning my bathroom and went to clean the bathtub. I flung open the curtain and there was a huge (and by huge I mean 3 inches) cockroach. Brandon had not yet left for work, so I screamed and he came to my rescue. I then scoured the bathroom with bleach and Comet because there are few things grosser to me than roaches in the place were I go to get clean! I calmed down from the big hairy fit that I threw about the roach, Brandon left for work, and I was watching T.V. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something come scurrying out of our bedroom...not a cockroach, but definitely a mouse. I sat for three hours staring at the place I saw it go.

I finally left my post about 15 minutes ago because, well, I give up. I am super disappointed in myself. After the last incident I have been telling myself that I would not freak out, but handle the situation calmly and with dignity. No such luck, maybe next Sunday?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think there are no comments on your blog because there are no people in america that can relate to your living conditions:)